About Argania SalonBody Treatments Facials at Argania Salon de Beaute Manicures and Pedicures

Did You Know?

There are more than 35 genera of algae. At least 160 species come from only three: Porphyra, Laminaria, and Undaria. In the food industry, algae is used as food, to stabilize food, as an emulsifier, as filler in candy bars, to make things like fake cherries, imitiation caviar and reconstituted onion rings, and it stops ice crystals from forming on ice cream. In the textile world it is used as an adhesive for charcoal briquettes, in making audio speakers, dental impressions and to suspend paint pigments over temperature changes.

At Argania Salon,
we use it in body wraps.


Mending & Soothing

Let us help your skin, muscles, limbs and joints
achieve a state of total relaxation.

Our body wraps envelop you in powerful antioxidants. They hydrate skin from the inside out, with vitamins, minerals and proteins.

They can improve the tone and texture of skin and assist in combating weight and cellulite problems over time.

Algae Wraps are ideal slimming treatments that reduce the appearance of cellulite. Wraps promote elimination of toxins, tightening and smoothing orange-peel dimples. They stimulate circulation and improve skin elasticity.

A complete day for Les Corps at Argania is an Algae Wrap followed by a massage.


1801 Martin Luther
King Jr. Way
Berkeley, CA 94709
(3 blocks north of
University Ave.,
@ Delaware St.)

By Appointment Only
You Must Provide
Notification of 24 Hours
To Avoid Service Charge

Available for any
service or package.

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